Wish You Were Here (Instead of Me) Out Now

Brawl of the Worlds 2, Wish You Were Here (Instead of Me) is out now. For the alien towani, Earth is their ancestral home. They will do anything to protect the planet. Protecting humanity is an optional extra.

Available in ebook and paperback from:

Amazon UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C78XJ6TX/

Amazon.Com - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C78XJ6TX/

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Kobo/Kobo Plus - https://www.kobo.com/gb/en/ebook/wish-you-were-here-instead-of-me

Smashwords - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1403925

October 2022, eight weeks after first contact, negotiations in Cork between Earth and their extra-terrestrial visitors haven't got further than deciding who sits where at the conference.

In Oxfordshire, tourists flock to the exclusion zone set up around the crashed battle-station. Nearby, in the newly named RAF Space Command, Harold Godwin has settled into his new role as a liaison for the alien federation known as the Valley. Aside from giving occasional tours to visiting dignitaries, the work isn’t arduous until the search for a missing dog leads to the capture of a hostile alien mercenary.

Another attack seems imminent, and Earth increasingly looks like the next battleground in the the war between the Valley and the Voytay Empire. The best hope for peace is a former spy, now a deeply spiritual hermit, living in self-imposed exile on Ireland’s Atlantic coast. When Serene and Tempest are sent to collect her, they find the key to an ancient mystery that links the recent attack, a spaceship hidden in the bunkers beneath Area 51, the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and a tunnel beneath the ruins of Nineveh that predates any calendar.

Alien anchorites and ancient prophecies collide as the race to stop an intergalactic war continues.

Coming next (late summer): Surviving the Evacuation 21 - It might be summer in Canada, but winter is never far away. Acting as Admiral Gunderson’s assistant, Kim hunts for a new town, and for farmland, for the easterners. Each day brings more new arrivals, many of whom come from the south. Some are returning home. Others seek revenge. An assassination attempt threatens to derail the mission to return to Europe, and destabilise the fragile peace among the survivor-communities in the Pacific.

On a routine looting expedition in Alma, Jay finds a letter from the early days of the outbreak, revealing the location of a refuge only two hundred kilometres away. When they find it long-abandoned, they also find a note saying where the survivors went. So begins a scavenger hunt that will take him across Canada and beyond.

(I’d originally planned this as one book, but it might get split into two, released back-to-back.)

Coming soon: Brawl of the Worlds 3: Misplaced in Space & Strike a Match: Blackout, the story of the first few months after the nuclear war.

Audiobooks - Apologies, there’s been a delay with Book 20. The narrator was unable to finish it before he began a summer concert tour. He won’t be back in the studio until August/September, so Book 20 won’t be out until the autumn, but he has promised to record Book 21, and Wish You Were Here, straight after.

I hope you’re well, and that you enjoy this fun summer read. Along with the first book in the series, First Contact, it’s a bit different to my usual books, but I hope you find it an entertaining antidote to the gloom in the news.
To accompany this book, I recommend a slushy. Not because it has anything to do with the story, but because I’ve just bought an ice-crushing machine. I opted for a mechanical hand-cranked machine over electrical so it would still work after the zombie outbreak, alien invasion, and AI apocalypse (I’m pretty sure all three are now a certainty, though I still don’t know which will come first). My only problem now is figuring out how I’ll source the ice. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Happy reading, and I hope you have a great summer

Frank :)